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Ideas Portal - BoardPro
Categories Agenda
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 8, 2020

Greater functionality with building the agenda

Would be really helpful if we could do things like:

  • drag and drop sections in the agenda (instead of just move up or down)

  • drag and drop attachments from within one agenda item, to another

  • be able to add attachments directly to sections (sometimes I can have a Section, agenda item and attachment ALL basically with the same name - just bulks out the agenda)

  • Edit/remove the "Conclusion of meeting" section/agenda item - just quite bulky

  • Attach files

Drag and drop Sections in the Agenda

Create a 'grip' feature for the sections within the Agenda in order to drag and drop these in a similar way to the Agenda item 'tiles'
over 5 years ago in Agenda 0