It would be useful to be able to reorder these. If you start to draft a report and then want to add other attachments in it is useful to be able to put them in the order which makes sense to the reader. In this case I missed a file when adding the attachments and now they aren't in the correct order.
This is a standard feature for most software and really users would expect to be able to structure a meeting pack without having to delete and re add papers to change the order.
I totally agree with the other contributors on this - to give the ability to reorder attachments to reports etc would seem like it should be easy enough fix given this ability is already available for Board meeting attachments. It's not great having to actually delete them all then add them in the updated order. Appreciate it if this could be fixed. Thanks.
My area of interest would be with respect to Governance documents. It would be VERY helpful to be able to order these in a way that makes sense to our organisation, not have them order in the order they were uploaded. Policy manuals are a great example - if you update certain policies they are then out of order., meaning related policies are no longer sequential.