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Ideas Portal - BoardPro
Categories Interests Register
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 6, 2023

US conflict of interest register

US non-profit corporations are required to annually record the answers from each board member to specific conflict of interest questions:

  1. I have received a copy of the organization’s conflicts of interest policy;

  2. I have read and understand the policy;

  3. I agree to comply with the policy;

  4. I agree to report promptly any changes in the information reported on this form, or any new information relevant to a conflict of interest; and

  5. I understand that the organization is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities that accomplish one or more of its exempt purposes and not engage in activities and transactions that provide impermissible benefits to individuals or entities.

Ideally the BoardPro conflict of interest in the US would record dated yes/no answers to each of those questions (with explanation for “no”), provide a report with who has and has not completed the statement with answers, and an easy way to prompt the board to answer each year. It’s not much use if we need to keep a separate list of who has and has not answered….

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