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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Document improvements

Showing 43 of 401

Notes icon in minutes (like Decisions and Actions have)

I love the Note/Decision/Action split you make. However, in minutes, the last two get an icon but notes don't. The icons are also not consistent with those used earlier (see screenshot) and also not given the same colour. This can make it a little...
over 6 years ago in Document improvements 3 Already exists

Provide the ability to remove/turn off the page numbering that appears on a document in the BoardPack.

No description provided
over 6 years ago in Document improvements 0

Data room capability

Have you considered building or integrating data room capability into BoardPro? So that organisations which will ultimately exit develop the discipline of building up documents and evidence that will be required during due diligence during the exi...
over 6 years ago in Document improvements 1