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Ideas Portal - BoardPro
Categories Flying Minutes
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 18, 2021

Ability to have Flying Minutes progress to next Meeting for noting by directors

The Flying Minutes with Vote function is excellent. It is easy to use and communicates well with nominated participants.

When Voting is completed it would assist in overall Board diligence if the applicable 'Paper' (purpose for which the Flying Minute is created and the vote required) and vote could come through to next Board Meeting in the same way that once Minutes from a meeting are completed they progress to the next meeting even though they are distributed to directors prior to the next meeting for review and confirmation.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Mar 12, 2024

    Agree to having the FM included in the Agenda as a For Information or For Noting.

  • Admin
    Product Team
    Oct 21, 2021

    Thank you all for this suggestion - we have added this to our roadmap.

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2021

    This would be helpful to our board who would like to see the decisions they've made between meetings at the very next gathering. Including it in the agenda as a 'for information' section, along with the papers that were also included with the proposal would be a helpful way of doing this.

  • Guest
    Jul 28, 2021

    Agree fully. An excellent current facility which would be improved if the Flying Minute passed to the Board Pack for next meeting for review by directors as opposed to the current automation which sees them pass into the Minutes of the Meeting.