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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Email Notification

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In the Email History see Date it was opened

The email history for meetings displays the status of an email sent, but it would be helpful if it included a date. For example, we can see when people open an email.
23 days ago in Email Notification 0

Send a notification to administrators when minutes have been signed.

Send a notification to administrators when minutes have been signed.
9 months ago in Email Notification 0

Remove individual, not entire group, from email reminders

Not all wish to receive meeting reminders via email. Would be nice to be able to distinguish who receives reminders and who does not.
over 2 years ago in Email Notification 0

Email templates - reports and agenda items

Ability to set up auto email/notice templates, for example: - two weeks before a meeting date a notice/email is sent out asking for committee reports to be returned and agenda items for inclusion - reminder email X number of days before meeting
almost 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Ability to change the times of meeting reminders being received

It would be good if the time of early morning meeting reminders is able to be changed so as to not receive these reminders so early.
about 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Increase the character limit of the comment with email notices from 500 to 1000

We often provide notes (e.g. actions on all members, reminders of upcoming related events that were discussed at the meeting) when sending our draft minutes to members. 500 characters is very restrictive! It would also be helpful to be able to see...
about 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Enable one email notification with seprate calendar invites i.e for a year's worth of monthly board meetings

So the director's inboxes aren't flooded with multiple notifications when scheduling board meetings for the year
about 3 years ago in Email Notification 2

Auto reminders - Board Papers to Directors etc

Prior to scheduled Board meetings there is always a need for various Executive etc to submit Papers for inclusion into the Agenda and Board Pack. It would be helpful to be able to generate a scheduled reminder -say 10 days prior- that reminds this...
over 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Attach automated meeting invite to the outlook calendar invite - to retain format, notes and user entered text.

Currently when you accept the outlook calendar invite the original email with clear details of the meeting (including notes) is lost. The automated meeting notice is great but it's shame to lose this good information & format when the invite i...
about 4 years ago in Email Notification 0

Add additional Automated Emails

Our process for meetings is to put a call out for agenda items and related board paper due date (say 10 days before meeting) a reminder between 5-7 days out that board papers are now due and the meeting is set for, then the day before the meeting ...
almost 5 years ago in Agenda / Email Notification 0