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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Email Notification

Showing 21

Consolidate email notifications when a person is added to a board and committee(s)

We have our board plus five committees. When I add a person from the board to each committee, they receive additional notifications that they have been added. So, they receive six emails if they are on the board +5 in total. It would be nicer if t...
7 days ago in Email Notification 0

In the Email History see Date it was opened

The email history for meetings displays the status of an email sent, but it would be helpful if it included a date. For example, we can see when people open an email.
about 1 month ago in Email Notification 0

Enable one email notification with seprate calendar invites i.e for a year's worth of monthly board meetings

So the director's inboxes aren't flooded with multiple notifications when scheduling board meetings for the year
over 3 years ago in Email Notification 2

Noting changes to Board packs

When subsequent information is added to an agenda and a Board pack is reproduced as a subsequent version would it be possible to include in the email the item number of the additions
over 7 years ago in Email Notification 1 Planned

Auto reminders - Board Papers to Directors etc

Prior to scheduled Board meetings there is always a need for various Executive etc to submit Papers for inclusion into the Agenda and Board Pack. It would be helpful to be able to generate a scheduled reminder -say 10 days prior- that reminds this...
over 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Template e-mail Messages

Many of the BoardPro emails look the same. If you have multiple boards you are a part of it is easy to miss messages as they look like a reminder. It would be good to be able to have templates for email messages with variables to indicate where ce...
about 5 years ago in Email Notification 2

Email the Agenda / Board Pack / Minutes to more than just the meeting attendees

For people/ executives who should receive the information, but not necessarily attend the meetings
about 6 years ago in Email Notification 6

Send a notification to administrators when minutes have been signed.

Send a notification to administrators when minutes have been signed.
10 months ago in Email Notification 0

Action email notifications - option of 1 notification only

Include the option of ONE action email notification (rather than the minimum of 2) so that Board members don't get multiple emails from BoardPro.
over 5 years ago in Email Notification 0

Email templates - reports and agenda items

Ability to set up auto email/notice templates, for example: - two weeks before a meeting date a notice/email is sent out asking for committee reports to be returned and agenda items for inclusion - reminder email X number of days before meeting
almost 3 years ago in Email Notification 0