The email history for meetings displays the status of an email sent, but it would be helpful if it included a date. For example, we can see when people open an email.
When subsequent information is added to an agenda and a Board pack is reproduced as a subsequent version would it be possible to include in the email the item number of the additions
Prior to scheduled Board meetings there is always a need for various Executive etc to submit Papers for inclusion into the Agenda and Board Pack. It would be helpful to be able to generate a scheduled reminder -say 10 days prior- that reminds this...
Many of the BoardPro emails look the same. If you have multiple boards you are a part of it is easy to miss messages as they look like a reminder. It would be good to be able to have templates for email messages with variables to indicate where ce...
Ability to set up auto email/notice templates, for example:
- two weeks before a meeting date a notice/email is sent out asking for committee reports to be returned and agenda items for inclusion
- reminder email X number of days before meeting
I would like to see a reminder email a set number of days out from a board meeting for recurring tasks that need to be completed in preparation for board meeting - eg task 1 reminder sent to person responsible at 15 days out from meeting - just th...