If a Board Member resigns or if we have a Chair that is appointed for only 2 years (for example) it would be nice to be able to add those dates to their information and have their names instead of revoked or removed as archived.
Please improve the process for when a board member resigns, or when the chair changes, as currently it is based on real time and that conflicts with any unconfirmed minutes.
Provide a consolidated Interests Register. i.e. Enter interests once which can be populated into each relevant organisation within boardPro.
This may encourage further board uptake. In time this could be linked via API to the Companies Office or a...
Can BoardPro produce a report for the chair that shows the engagement level of individual board members, perhaps relative to others. i.e. how many days before board meeting do they open the board pack. Do they consume online or download the pack. ...
It would be very convenient to have a chat inside the platform where all Board Members or Committees can hold a discussion. Why? Because using other platforms like WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram and creating constantly new groups is annoying. Thanks:)
Kerryn Newton passed on this material from boardroom insider:
Portal programs have online polling/questionnaire capabilities that still go fallow among most boards. “As more boards moving into looking at their performance, there are opportuni...
It would be great to have a register of directors with their initial appointment date, and the current term start and end date. Director since 1 July 2014 current term ends 30 June 2022 It could be in the interests register?