Kerryn Newton passed on this material from boardroom insider:
Portal programs have online polling/questionnaire capabilities that still go fallow among most boards. “As more boards moving into looking at their performance, there are opportuni...
Allow Administrative Staff to update email addresses for people in their Organisation
As an admin, I have had board members ask me to update their email addresses for various reasons however, I am not able to do this. It would be helpful to have this as a function of the Edit process.
While BoardPro Notes is great for reading and annotating the board pack it would be terrific to have a full service app where we can access all areas of BoardPro rather than having to use a browser.
While yes there are multiple free Spell checking platforms out there that work really well with BoardPro when I am doing my agenda -Grammarly for example, it would be nice if there was one that was also included in BoardPro.
Ability to re-order attachments to a Between Meeting report
It would be useful to be able to reorder these. If you start to draft a report and then want to add other attachments in it is useful to be able to put them in the order which makes sense to the reader. In this case I missed a file when adding the...
Search across both passed and not passed resolutions in decision register
It would be good to be able to search decisions register for ALL decisions (with ability to filter those passed and not passed) this would be good for clarity of data as well as the ease of looking over past resolutions presented, no matter the ou...