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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Pinned ideas

PINNED Flying Minutes appear in the Agenda/Board Pack
We like to review/recap the Flying Minutes that have taken place since the last meeting. Currently there is no way to easily include these in the Agenda/Board Pack, they only appear in the Minutes which are distributed after the meeting. It would ...
PINNED Confirm Minutes before the next meeting
Our board does not meet every month so minutes wait a long time for confirmation. It would be better if we could confirm minutes before the next meeting while everyone's memory is still fresh, such as through a Flying Minute.

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Showing 410

Agenda -> Board Pack -> Minutes workflow

When you finish a draft agenda, the terminology and buttons on the pop-up screen start to talk about the Board Pack and it's easy to send the Board Pack by mistake (see attachment). I think a better, more consistent workflow would be: Chair creat...
over 6 years ago in  1

Enable meeting rooms to be associated with an email address/Outlook calendar address

When we book a room we then have to go to Outlook to book the meeting room resource. If we could associate an email address in boardPro this would happen automatically
almost 7 years ago in Meeting improvements 0

Use the compiler to prepare documents with multiple files

Use the power of Boardpro outside the confines of the board meeting format so that one file can contain lots of PDF's et
over 4 years ago in Other Category 0

Provide option to use either Approved or Carried

We have a committee that does not make decisions and we are happy to use the word "Approved". Where the Board makes a decision a better option and more formal is "Carried"
over 2 years ago in Minutes 0

Have the option to not include Actions in the Minutes document

It is good to record Actions at a meeting but not to have them form a part of the Minutes document. Provide a tick box to not include the Actions.
over 2 years ago in Action Items 0

Separate Actions List/Register

We do not wish to include Actions as a part of the Minutes document and would like a List/Register to generate separately, as BoardPro does for Resolutions.
over 2 years ago in Minutes 0

Enable lookups for new committee members

When creating committees the members are often already members of the overarching forum or board. It would be helpful to be able to select them (e.g. type in their name, autopopulate email and role). Preferably this would still be editable in case...
over 2 years ago in Roles and Permissions 1

Accessibility for screen readers

Accessibility for screen readers
over 2 years ago in  0

Notifications app

An App that sends you all the notifications so you don't have to have emails with all the notifications. It is doubling the workload.
over 2 years ago in Collaboration 0

Download a PDF of the Action List by Meeting

It would be helpful to be able to download the Action List not by date but by meeting. Currently they can be included on the Minutes and when building an agenda you can definitely sort via date but if you just want to focus on a specific meeting y...
over 2 years ago in Action Items 0