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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Email Notification

Showing 20

In the Email History see Date it was opened

The email history for meetings displays the status of an email sent, but it would be helpful if it included a date. For example, we can see when people open an email.
25 days ago in Email Notification 0

Enable one email notification with seprate calendar invites i.e for a year's worth of monthly board meetings

So the director's inboxes aren't flooded with multiple notifications when scheduling board meetings for the year
about 3 years ago in Email Notification 2

Noting changes to Board packs

When subsequent information is added to an agenda and a Board pack is reproduced as a subsequent version would it be possible to include in the email the item number of the additions
about 7 years ago in Email Notification 1 Planned

Auto reminders - Board Papers to Directors etc

Prior to scheduled Board meetings there is always a need for various Executive etc to submit Papers for inclusion into the Agenda and Board Pack. It would be helpful to be able to generate a scheduled reminder -say 10 days prior- that reminds this...
over 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Template e-mail Messages

Many of the BoardPro emails look the same. If you have multiple boards you are a part of it is easy to miss messages as they look like a reminder. It would be good to be able to have templates for email messages with variables to indicate where ce...
about 5 years ago in Email Notification 2

Email the Agenda / Board Pack / Minutes to more than just the meeting attendees

For people/ executives who should receive the information, but not necessarily attend the meetings
about 6 years ago in Email Notification 6

Send a notification to administrators when minutes have been signed.

Send a notification to administrators when minutes have been signed.
9 months ago in Email Notification 0

Action email notifications - option of 1 notification only

Include the option of ONE action email notification (rather than the minimum of 2) so that Board members don't get multiple emails from BoardPro.
over 5 years ago in Email Notification 0

Email templates - reports and agenda items

Ability to set up auto email/notice templates, for example: - two weeks before a meeting date a notice/email is sent out asking for committee reports to be returned and agenda items for inclusion - reminder email X number of days before meeting
almost 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Recurring Pre-meeting Tasks

I would like to see a reminder email a set number of days out from a board meeting for recurring tasks that need to be completed in preparation for board meeting - eg task 1 reminder sent to person responsible at 15 days out from meeting - just th...
almost 6 years ago in Email Notification 0