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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Pinned ideas

PINNED Flying Minutes appear in the Agenda/Board Pack
We like to review/recap the Flying Minutes that have taken place since the last meeting. Currently there is no way to easily include these in the Agenda/Board Pack, they only appear in the Minutes which are distributed after the meeting. It would ...
PINNED Confirm Minutes before the next meeting
Our board does not meet every month so minutes wait a long time for confirmation. It would be better if we could confirm minutes before the next meeting while everyone's memory is still fresh, such as through a Flying Minute.

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Showing 410

Interests Register Export with entity identifier

We have an issue with how the interests register is recorded in BoardPro - principally that people frequently don't record the name of the entity correctly, making automatic data matching very difficult. We have loaded unique government identifier...
about 4 years ago in Interests Register 0

A record of Action email history in BoardPro.

When sending out a manual "Send Reminder" action email, it would be helpful to be able to see the email messages sent with the reminder. Would this be possible?
almost 3 years ago in Action Items 0

Quorum-have option for a number as well as a percentage for the client to choose what suits them best.

Currently it stands as a percentage but for eg our constitution states a number. I could convert that to a percentage, but as the number of our board members fluctuates (our constitution allows for a board of 6-8 members) and the percentage would ...
almost 3 years ago in Other Category 1

Timestamp for action comments

It's very frustrating at present how we have to create our own system for adding comments to actions. I've tried to create a manual workaround using initials and dd/mm/yyyy but, with multiple contributors, this gets messy fast. See screenshot belo...
almost 3 years ago in Action Items 1

Interests Register - sort field

It would be good to have to option to sort the interest register by last name as the default sort and even better to have flexibility to sort in any order - i.e. have the Chair and Deputy Chair first followed by others sorted by last name
over 5 years ago in Other Category 1

Add specific People details (or Bio) to the People Page

When adding People -a place to add specific details about the person that the admin can manage. A notes or field area where things can be added like: add a short name (might say Joseph for legal purposes on the agenda but have call Joe), birthdate...
over 4 years ago in Other Category 0

Ability to put a note and an action item in simultaneously rather than having to close one to go to the other

No description provided
over 7 years ago in Action Items 0

Board members time keeping record for annual reporting purposes

As part of annual reporting requirements, Board members have a responsibility to keep a record of their time spent on board matters - see attachment. It would be ideal if such a tool could be housed within BoardPro (rather than a shared doc) where...
over 4 years ago in  0

Keep copies of recently deleted files and folders -- or a log

Hi, I went to access a folder in my Governance Documents and can't find it. Not sure if the folder was deleted by another user, or if I hadn't actually created it yet. A log of deleted files/folders, or even better, a recycle bin with copies of re...
over 4 years ago in  0

Meeting Decline Notification

If a Director declines a meeting request then the administrator or organiser of the meeting is emailed immediately. I have set up a full years worth of meeting dates to allow the board to put them in the calendar now. The only way at the moment to...
over 4 years ago in Meeting improvements 1