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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Pinned ideas

PINNED Confirm Minutes before the next meeting
Our board does not meet every month so minutes wait a long time for confirmation. It would be better if we could confirm minutes before the next meeting while everyone's memory is still fresh, such as through a Flying Minute.
PINNED Flying Minutes appear in the Agenda/Board Pack
We like to review/recap the Flying Minutes that have taken place since the last meeting. Currently there is no way to easily include these in the Agenda/Board Pack, they only appear in the Minutes which are distributed after the meeting. It would ...

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Showing 410

Joint Committee Meetings

Joint Committee meetings where aspects of Governance are relevant to both Committees. Ability to invite committee members from other committees for single meeting only.
about 3 years ago in Meeting improvements 0

Manually added notes or free text

It would be useful to be able to add manual notes or free text to all the sections, opposed to always having to upload files/documents. Noting the 'Title' and 'Purpose' sections are free text, however it would be good to add detail in another sect...
almost 8 years ago in Meeting improvements 0

Ability to change the times of meeting reminders being received

It would be good if the time of early morning meeting reminders is able to be changed so as to not receive these reminders so early.
about 3 years ago in Email Notification 0

Create Appendix for Correspondence

Instead of clogging the Agenda / Board Pack with reams of inwards correspondence to read, rather have a separate place or appendix that they can go to, to view / read the correspondence.
almost 5 years ago in Agenda 1

Add additional Automated Emails

Our process for meetings is to put a call out for agenda items and related board paper due date (say 10 days before meeting) a reminder between 5-7 days out that board papers are now due and the meeting is set for, then the day before the meeting ...
almost 5 years ago in Agenda / Email Notification 0

Add a back button in meeting packs

It would be helpful to navigate directly back to the previous location in the meeting pack. An agenda button would largely solve this but sometimes it would be helpful to go back to the exact page you were recently looking at.
over 3 years ago in Board Pack 0

More control over action reminders

Can we please control when the final reminder is sent out. A reminder the day before being due would be more useful for most of my clients.
about 5 years ago in Action Items 0

Improve minute taking against action items

When taking minutes on action items, to add a new action item you have to scroll to the bottom then you lose your place in the action item list. Perhaps you can look at having a 3rd window or pop up for adding notes, decisions and action items?
over 6 years ago in Meeting improvements 0

Multi-level list numbering

Bullet point levels are given distinct icons which is great. Numbered lists do not. See attached screenshot. 1 a i
over 6 years ago in Other Category 0

Enable Planned attendees to signal their non-attendance prior to the meeting

People receiving an invite to a meeting may need to withdraw prior to a meeting, providing their apologies. These people are different to people who were suppose to attend, but didn't. Perhaps having three columns would solve the problem.
almost 7 years ago in Meeting improvements 0