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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Pinned ideas

PINNED Flying Minutes appear in the Agenda/Board Pack
We like to review/recap the Flying Minutes that have taken place since the last meeting. Currently there is no way to easily include these in the Agenda/Board Pack, they only appear in the Minutes which are distributed after the meeting. It would ...
PINNED Confirm Minutes before the next meeting
Our board does not meet every month so minutes wait a long time for confirmation. It would be better if we could confirm minutes before the next meeting while everyone's memory is still fresh, such as through a Flying Minute.

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Showing 410

Time Allocations for Sections

The option to add times to a section rather than each agenda item. For example, the welcome section has 15 minutes allotted to it, and we have to complete all six agenda items in those 15 minutes.
12 days ago in Agenda 0

Send email notice to all Action Owners when update left

If multiple owners are on an Action and one leaves an update, the others are not notified and may not see it until several days later. It would be valuable to receive a notice of when an update has been sent to all people associated with that spec...
7 days ago in Action Items 0

Consolidate email notifications when a person is added to a board and committee(s)

We have our board plus five committees. When I add a person from the board to each committee, they receive additional notifications that they have been added. So, they receive six emails if they are on the board +5 in total. It would be nicer if t...
7 days ago in Email Notification 0

Track changes to Interest Register

We know that the whole list is shown at each meeting. But how do Trustees know changes have been made without having to read the entire register every time? It would be helpful if the changes were highlighted or marked " New."
15 days ago in Interests Register 0

Hyperlink a document in the Governance Documents to an external source.

It is great to link a document in the Governance area to a meeting, but it would be nice to add that link (with special permissions to view it) to a document outside of BoardPro.
11 days ago in Document improvements 0

Add an Action to a Flying Minute

A motion has been approved, and I need to action it. Actions are currently raised in the Minutes stage, but adding one to a Flying Minute would be ideal instead of waiting until the next meeting.
6 months ago in Flying Minutes 0

Hide Specific pages/information

It would be valuable to be able to hide specific pages within BoardPro or restrict access to some people or roles. For example, regarding GDPR privacy laws, the People List page lists the names and emails of everyone with access to your organisati...
about 2 months ago in Security Improvements 0

AI for Minute Taking

Taking minutes in BoardPro is easy, but as it is a manual task, it can take some time. Utilizing AI would be super beneficial.
7 months ago in Minutes 3

Make documents searchable by Presenter

In the Meeting Documents section, it would be helpful if we could search for meeting documents by the presenter's name as well, as, in some cases, the presenter is usually the composer of the paper.
13 days ago in Document improvements 0

Pin Agenda to the top of the board pack

Pin the agenda to remain visible when viewing various documents in the Board pack. Some members of my board prefer to have it visible at all times as they find it awkward to jump between the agenda and the documents.
about 2 months ago in Board Pack 0