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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Pinned ideas

PINNED Flying Minutes appear in the Agenda/Board Pack
We like to review/recap the Flying Minutes that have taken place since the last meeting. Currently there is no way to easily include these in the Agenda/Board Pack, they only appear in the Minutes which are distributed after the meeting. It would ...
PINNED Confirm Minutes before the next meeting
Our board does not meet every month so minutes wait a long time for confirmation. It would be better if we could confirm minutes before the next meeting while everyone's memory is still fresh, such as through a Flying Minute.

All ideas

Showing 409

Consolidated Interests Register

Provide a consolidated Interests Register. i.e. Enter interests once which can be populated into each relevant organisation within boardPro. This may encourage further board uptake. In time this could be linked via API to the Companies Office or a...
almost 8 years ago in Other Category 3

Ability to shorten length of the meeting URL

It would be helpful to be able to shorten the length of the meeting URL e.g. When copying a Teams meeting URL the length of the URL can be 200+ characters, it would be good to be able to shorten the URL so that when it appears in the agenda etc it...
12 months ago in Meeting improvements 1

Undo option

An undo button would be awesome. Especially when one presses a button, which then causes something to happen that you didn't intend.
3 months ago in Other Category 0

Add Images to Minutes

Attaching files is good, but it would be helpful to be able to place images directly into text boxes, e.g. notes/decisions/actions. This could be a diagram, or photo of a whiteboard discussion.
over 6 years ago in Minutes 8

Greater functionality with building the agenda

Would be really helpful if we could do things like: drag and drop sections in the agenda (instead of just move up or down) drag and drop attachments from within one agenda item, to another be able to add attachments directly to sections (sometimes...
over 4 years ago in Agenda 0

Ability to undertake Board Effectiveness Surveys within BoardPro

Given that a Board should conduct evaluation on an annual (or biennial) basis, it would be beneficial to be able to conduct this process within BoardPro. I have seen this functionality in another Board software solution.
over 2 years ago in Other Category 1

Offline mode for the iOS app

It would be great to be able to use BoardPro Notes on my iPad , because sometimes the meetings are not in a place where there is Internet, or I'm travelling.
about 3 years ago in Offline Mode 4

Noting changes to Board packs

When subsequent information is added to an agenda and a Board pack is reproduced as a subsequent version would it be possible to include in the email the item number of the additions
over 7 years ago in Email Notification 1 Planned

Add Vision or Mission Statement to Board Pack

"In the recent BoardPro webinars we have been advised that the corporate Vision should always be prominent as a header on the agenda/board pack pages. How do we insert our Vision Statement, please? It would be good if a header could be developed f...
9 months ago in Agenda / Board Pack 0

Simplify sharing minutes with auditors

As a board administrator, it is time-consuming to download all the minutes for an auditor, so it would be great if you could make it easier with either a single link to share all minutes, or produce an auditor pack that could be shared with the au...
almost 6 years ago in Minutes 1