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Ideas Portal - BoardPro

Pinned ideas

PINNED Confirm Minutes before the next meeting
Our board does not meet every month so minutes wait a long time for confirmation. It would be better if we could confirm minutes before the next meeting while everyone's memory is still fresh, such as through a Flying Minute.
PINNED Flying Minutes appear in the Agenda/Board Pack
We like to review/recap the Flying Minutes that have taken place since the last meeting. Currently there is no way to easily include these in the Agenda/Board Pack, they only appear in the Minutes which are distributed after the meeting. It would ...

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Showing 406 of 406

Ability to add a document to, or via an Action item

Actions often involve the creation of a document external to boardPro (a Word doc or an excel file or an email etc). This document is the 'proof' or the output of the Action. Users want to be able to attach this to the Action item so that in futur...
over 6 years ago in Action Items 1

Attach documents to Minutes

Sometimes the Minutes need more than text, and it would be good to be able to attach documents to a Minute item. Decisions - the signed resolution Notes - anything Actions - anything
almost 8 years ago in Meeting improvements 10

Public/shared notes

The ability to make notes made in BoardPro Notes public/shareable so that the whole board/meeting attendees can see and respond to the note
about 2 years ago in Collaboration 1

add notes/updated to actions from the take minutes screen

Actions are discussed and updated at the board meeting - it would be cleaner to add an update rather than have to edit the action and type the date and an update. As a Board Secretary its often my job to run through the actions list, when there ar...
10 months ago in Action Items 1

Board Pack preview prior to publishing the agenda

Useful if you need to view or distribute the Board Pack ahead of publishing for review. Would like to see this in PDF.
over 4 years ago in Board Pack 4

Email Notification when a vote is cast in the Flying Minutes

I'm not always "in" BoardPro, so it would be helpful to know I will be notified when an FM has been voted on by everyone so there is no delay in me going in to check and set a status if voting concludes before the set end date/time.
4 months ago in Flying Minutes 0

Download the Audit Log of a signed document

It would be good to be able to download/export a log of any signed documents in the Governance Area showing when a board member has signed the document
4 months ago in E-Signatures 0

Ability to sort the order of Governance document folders other than by A-Z

Would like to rank folders by relevance i.e An archive folder at bottom of selection, and a Review Required at the top. Ability to move folders ( similar to re-ordering actions & decisions when drafting minutes) would be ideal.
almost 5 years ago in Document improvements 2

Register for Director Terms

It would be great to have a register of directors with their initial appointment date, and the current term start and end date. Director since 1 July 2014 current term ends 30 June 2022 It could be in the interests register?
about 4 years ago in Other Category 2

Interest Register upload

The option of adding extra entries at the time without typing the directors name each time. Re: initial set up
almost 6 years ago in Other Category 2